Sunday, February 7, 2010


Our plane touched ground in Portland Sunday at 7:30pm thirty-six hours after we left Sam & Josephine's home in Lungi for the airport. Ten days in Africa are now history. It is virtually impossible to communicate the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of West Africa. We were in two of the poorest countries in Africa and the whole world for that matter. The heat and humidity are suffocating. Air conditioning is hard to come by. Think 'sweat' for almost a solid ten days! One afternoon Pam used her clock-therometer to take the temperature - 108.5 in the sun. We ate African for the majority of the trip. We stayed with Sesays in their new home overlooking the ocean while in Sierra Leone. Josephine and their olderst daughter, Esther, are fantastic cooks. I named their place the Sesay Cafe by the Sea. Later this week I'll try to sit down and share a few memorable experiences. Right now my brain feels like it is in a thick fog.

Happy to be home safe and sound,
Fader Fader Timbo

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