Sunday, January 24, 2010


I am 95% packed & its only 4:45pm Sunday afternoon! I hope to get to bed before 9pm tonight. We have to be at the airport at 5am for our 7:40am departure to Washington, DC. Then onto Brussels, Belgium. Then onto Freetown, Sierra Leone. We'll be in route about 27-28 hours. It will be evening when we arrive in SL but mid-morning, Tuesday, here. We'll go right to bed & hit the ground running on Wednesday morning.

Most of our stay in Sierra Leone will be without electricity or running water. We'll be eating mostly African food. The people are intelligent, friendly, and fun to be around. They have very little by way of material things but they lives are full, full of love, relationships, gratitude, and humility.

Medical training (specifically for labor and childbirth) at the medical clinic in Lungi that Sam started 3 years ago AND going on a 3-day retreat with 8-10 new Susu Christ-followers in Guinea. That's our mission. Pam, Deanna & Bruce will take care of the medical part. I will take care of the teaching part. Gav will take care of everything else that comes along.

Here's how you can pray for us -
  1. God's provision of all of our financial needs
  2. safety & protection in travel
  3. favor in the eyes of the custom officials as we are bring a number of suitcases full of medical supplies & gifts for the Sesays & Stombaughs
  4. health while we're on the ground in SL & G
  5. filling of the Spirit for our service to our African brothers & sisters in Christ
  6. our families that we leave behind at home

All for now. Bless you. Africa, here we come!


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